Post by Nova Bhattacharya
Nova Bhattacharya (Photo: John Launer) |
But back to bharatanatyam...
Why does my class makes sense in the context of a theatre conservatory?
There is a narrative element of bharatantyam. Abhinaya is a concept in Indian dance and drama derived from Bharata's Natya Shastra. Although now, the word has come to mean 'the art of expression,' etymologically it derives from Sanskrit abhi- (towards) + ni- (take), so literally it means a “taking towards” (the audience), or “transmission." Sounds like a perfect fit for theatre folks...
Nova Bhattacharya (Photo: Cylla Von Tiedemann) |
So my workshop will provide a practical introduction to the theatrical and mimetic aspects of bharatanatym (and yes, we’ll do some actual dance steps as well!). We’ll go through facial exercises and expressions and the gestural language of the form. We’ll investigate theory, practice storytelling, explore various character and emotional viewpoints as well as the archetypes of the form. Then, the next day, we’ll blow it all apart and see what happens.
Bharatanatyam is a classical dance style from southern India which evolved out of street, court and temple dances.
In the early 19th century four brothers known as the Thanjavur quartet codified, catalogued, and developed the form which is recognized for its two streams of abstract and narrative dance.
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Nova Bhattacharya (Photo: Dianna Last) |
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